BJC Teachers Piazza Group - All teachers should join. This is the primary way that PD leaders and the developers of BJC and Snap! communicate with teachers.
Projects Related to BJC at EDC - learn about our other CS initiatives at EDC: BJC Sparks for middle school and early high school; elementary school math and programming; CSforAll Research-Practice Partnership with NYCPS; and improving equity in AP CSP
Snap! Manual - also accessible by clicking the Snap! logo in the upper left corner of any Snap! window
Snap! Crash Course with instructions, designed to help get late-added students up to speed
Snap! Cheat Sheet that translates between Snap! and AP pseudocode language, to give students before the AP exam
AP CSP College Board Resources
College Board AP Computer Science Principles site - current Course and Exam Description; AP Classroom; AP Course Audit; exam information, scoring guidelines, grader commentary, and policies; Frequently Asked Questions; teacher resources; teacher community; etc.
Recruiting Students for AP CSP - brochure with strategies for recruiting members of groups underrepresented in computer science (taken from the website above)
Starting and Growing AP CS Principles at Your School or District
Implementation Plan Template - a document to guide discussions with school teams about growing AP CSP, including conversations addressing equity and larger CS goals