BJC on edX

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We are delighted to announce BJCx, BJC reimagined as a year-long Computer Science Principles edX MOOC course broken up into two smaller courses, each approximately 16 weeks long. We've been working on this course for more than two years, with the help of a grant from edX, and more than fifty outstanding undergraduates at UC Berkeley.

Check out our edX MOOCs for the 2016-2017 academic year!

If you're interested in an edX version of a customizable BJC packaged content solution in your classroom this upcoming year, we're piloting something we call a SPOC (small private online course) that's on Edge edX (

Our SPOC contains a copy of our edX curriculum, and would allow you to customize that version of BJC to fit your own classroom needs, primarily content scheduling and branding. Our edX BJC curriculum has our most recent lab content, readings, quizzes, discussions, lecture videos, autograded lab exercises, projects, and exams -- this package is AP CSP compliant!

We've broken down the entire BJC curriculum into 2 semesters. If you'd like access to them, please email us!