
Community Resources

  • Forum for all BJC teachers to ask each other for help, share best practices and knowledge, and to lean on each other. For access, fill out the linked form.

  • BJC on CSforAll (CS10K) Link

Content Resources

  • Chapter by Chapter

    Entire Book

    BJC uses Blown to Bits to teach the social implications of computing. This is a free book (downloadable PDF files) under the Creative Commons license.

  • BJC’s most recent labs can be found here. These labs are AP CS Principles compliant.

  • This guide is designed to support high school CSP teachers with timing and activities for the BJC student materials to teach important ideas of programming and the social implications of computing and to prepare students for the AP CSP Exam.

  • Compiled list of BJC resources to accompany lab material.

  • Creative teaching resources, lesson plans, and practical strategies. Helping CSP teachers plan lessons on the global impact of computing.

Video Resources

NYC Resources

  • Pacing Guide for NYC Public Schools 2016-2017 School Year Link

Snap! Resources

AP Computer Science Principles Resources

AP CS Principles Study Materials for Students

  • This Snap! project has all the reference sheet commands implemented in Snap!, with Robot commands, the ability to import/export mazes from/to a text file, and the ability to click directly on the maze to edit it (clicking on any cell will toggle it from blank->goal->wall->blank->etc.). You can move the Robot around with the left/up/right arrow keys and query CAN_MOVE with the down arrow key. We have two “assignment” (i.e., left arrow) blocks, one solid and one hollow: the solid one is for defining and assigning a new variable, and the hollow one is for updating the assignment (you drag the variable you want to assign into the left slot).

    Finally, we’ve taken the five programming activities from the CED (course and exam description) purple book and shown how those are translated into these blocks (at the bottom).

    Email any problems to Dan (

  • This guide will show you how to match up the procedures in the AP exam language with the blocks in Snap!.

Professional Development

Other CS Teaching Resources

Conferences Where You'll Often Find BJC Presenting

  • Computer Science Teacher's Association Annual Conference Link
  • Learning @ Scale Link
  • Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Link
  • Scratch at MIT Link
  • Snap!Con Link
  • Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium Link